Fact Sheet
Not-for-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.
The first trip was in October 1994 to Guatemala City, Guatemala.
The team has always been 100% volunteer who use their vacation time from family and
work to participate. They are the highest caliber medical professionals from the finest
U.S. hospitals.
Heart Care International partners with a host country hospital for a minimum of 5 years.
In the U.S. every child has access to heart treatment by law. In developing countries, poor
children born with a heart defect rarely receive the expert treatment they need.
Heart Care International places special emphasis on the training and education of local
doctors and nurses to help them move toward sustainable diagnostic and surgical heart
expertise. It is our vision that every child receive access to excellent heart care.
Heart Care International has trained healthcare teams and performed heart surgery in
Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Peru and Mexico. Currently, Heart
Care International conducts 4–6 mission trips per year to these countries.
Heart Care International has cared for more than 3,000 children and operated on over
1,200 infants and children with a success rate that parallels the best pediatric heart
surgery programs in the United States.
Heart Care International has been able to fund these lifesaving operations for
approximately $3,000 for every life saved – about 1/20th the cost in the U.S.
Over, 90 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to the care of the children.
Heart Care International provides the medications, supplies and equipment to care for
every child. Surplus is donated to the host country hospital.
Through the Allison Scholarship Fund, Heart Care International sends host country
doctors, nurses and other medical personnel to the U.S. for additional specialty training.
Operating Expenses to conduct 6 trips per year is $400,000. The budget includes
medications, equipment, supplies, airfare and hotel for the team and administrative
expenses. All medical personnel are 100% volunteer, using their vacation time.
Current Assets to spend on Operating Expenses is ~$2 million.
139 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830
In-Kind Donations of $150,000-300,000 for equipment & supplies per year.
In-Kind Donations of $450,000 for medical professional time donated per year
Heart Care International has no Endowment.
Heart Care is growing. We are planning to expand beyond our six trips per year to reach
more children in need. Heart Care will be increasing the number of trips to Peru. We are
also actively studying the possibility for expansion into Ecuador and Honduras. This
increased presence will save more young lives beginning in 2025. At present, Heart Care
International has insufficient funds to sustain the work at this rate of growth.
Lessons learned through cardiac mission trips by host country doctors and nurses can be
applied to any child with a critical illness, whether that is a child with cholera, trauma or
a life-threatening infectious disease.
This is medical diplomacy at its best. Heart Care International medical missions highlight
the people of the United States in a wonderful and very deserving humanitarian light.